So thankful for: (in no particular order)
1. Christmas. Such a busy and fun month. The quote says it all:
Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love. -Hamilton Wright Mabie-
2. My Family. Seriously you guys are the best people to be related to in the whole world. I love each and every one of you. You know who you are.
3. Mentha Lip Shine. I told you this was in no particular order. I love the minty taste, my tingly lips, and the way it heals. (Thanks Rhonda!)
4. Christmas Carols in stores. Seriously. I was surprised one day as I was shopping to be singing along to such a wonderful song of praise to the Lord. I stopped in my tracks and then remembered ... oh yeah ... it's Christmas!
5. Jesus. The reason for the season!
6. Celebrations ... we've been seeing our friends and visiting family. So much fun.
7. This weekend. Presents. Food. Family. So much fun ... watching the little boys open presents and then immediately want to play with their loot!
8. Joel.
9. Joshua.
10. Noah.
11. Jordan.
12. The cousin on the way! So excited to meet the new member of our family in May ... so excited for you Allison and Glen!
13. Friends.
14. My wonderful husband.
15. Scrapbooking.
16. My bamboo fun wacom tablet. Seriously - I think this may just revolutionize how I scrapbook AGAIN! Love it! Thanks Rhon!
A merry & joy-filled Christmas to you Kim & your family! SEnding you a sprinkle of warm sun along with my greetings for a super 2009.
LOVE the pictures of your boys :)
Merry Christmas my dear friend!
We love you guys and really enjoyed our Christmas together
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