Josh is learning to walk! He is so delighted when we let him walk around holding our fingers! He's such a happy sweet little boy! He got his eighth tooth this week (he was a little grouchy and had red cheeks ... nothing a little Tylenol couldn't fix).
I'm also learning to walk ... in peace. I'm reading a book by Joyce Meyer called 21 Ways to Finding Peace and Happiness. I'm learning so much ... today I read about "taking life as it comes" -- to stop worrying and getting upset about stuff I can't change anyway and about TRUSTING God.
I worked today ... and it was a tough day ... one that made me so thankful to God for two healthy and whole little boys in my house. I came home and gave them each an extra big hug.
Therefore, since we are justified (acquitted, declared righteous, and given a right standing with God) through faith, let us [grasp the fact that we] have [the peace of reconciliation to hold and to enjoy] peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One). Romans 5:1 Amplified Bible
Peace to you.
how sweet! He's getting so big.
I like reading about your journey for peace. It's something I need to be reminded about...to just let stuff go and chill out a bit!
wow he looks so big!! and look at that proud smile - so cute!
What a cutie!
We should have coffee sometime; I miss you my friend.
I cannot believe he is walking! (well, learning to anyway! ) Great verses to share too, and yes... if we would learn totruly TRUST... wow.
so BIG! oh my... :)I so need to get some peace in my life...Tanner is just driving me a bit batty right now...
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