I found the tutorial to make this sweet little softie by Revoluzza at the cool blog mmmcrafts. Joel and I worked on him this afternoon (he picked the fabric and the colors and I put him together). We're still thinking about a name for him (maybe you could give us a suggestion!). I have been to the fabric store 3 days in a row now (good thing I got a membership card!) I have all kinds of projects swirling around in my head (oh no ... another hobby!)
That is BEYOND cute!!!
too cute!
can't wait to see what else you create.
awe maybe i should have come over that looks like fun!!
You and Corey have me wanting to take a trip to the fabric store!
Super cute monster. I can't wait to see what you make next.
It looks like Joel is having as much fun as you are! I can't wait to try this project too.
SO SO cute kim....great job!
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