Yesterday was Joel's last soccer game for the year. He has played every tuesday since September with the green Timbit team. It's been so much fun watching three year olds learn to play together as a team and increase their skills. Joel hasn't quite figured out how to get involved in a game (he'd rather run away from the ball and stick near the coach) but he has done great at learning how do the skill stations - running across the field, kicking the ball in the net, stopping the ball with his foot, and passing the ball to his teammates. Yesterday Coach Nick gave him a metal for completing the year ... Joel and I were so proud! It was so cute - Joel said "now I can be the coach" (I think he thought it was a whistle!). Joel has worn his metal ever since (except to sleep of course).

I'm so proud of Joshua too ... he's just about ready to walk. He pulls himself up on chairs and coffee tables and loves to walk holding on to our fingers. He is also getting around (very quickly) on his hands and knees crawling!
look at those cutie pies !!! congrats joel!!!
Oh my gosh...how cute is that soccer game???? :-)
congrats joel!! how cute to see him with his metal :)
and how in the world is joshua ready to start walking already?!?!
Lovely to share about your two very special little ones x
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