Fruit salad is my all time favorite food this summer (well really this pregnancy!) The melding of the fruit is just so delicious and refreshing and not heavy on my tummy. The other thing I enjoy eating ... ooey gooey cheesyness - like pizza and lasagna. I've only had one real aversion this pregnancy and that was beef in the first trimester -- but that was remedied by a delicious meal at my in-laws of Beef tenderloin and I've been back eating beef ever since (which is good because we eat a whole lot of beef here).

Josh is getting so big ... he is now a walker as his main mode of transportation (very very rarely do I see him crawl anymore). He's got a few words - up, hi, ball, Joel, Mama, and Dada -- but uses them when he wants to and not if prompted. I think he's quite content with nodding and shaking his head and yelling and pointing - works for me - we usually figure it out! Also lately, anything that Joel has or wants, Josh wants -- we've had several fights to break up already!

I've been missing our neighbours who have moved back to Australia ... M's sunflower (that he grew from a seed and then planted in my garden) just started to bloom ... wishing them well!
I've been working on my 2007 blog book (putting all my posts and pictures in print so I have a hard copy) ... so this morning I spent some time photographing all my paper scrapbook pages - and it's a really good thing to look back at all the art I've created and memories I've captured. I'm really impressed with my body of work ... gotta stop being so hard on myself while I'm creating and just enjoy!
Wishing Grandma W a happy birthday today, and I'm still cheering for Adrienne at the Canadian open ...
Edit (7:19 pm): Adrienne ... I'm so proud of you girl! Although you didn't make the cut this year - you are still my favorite golfer! And I know you have a bright golfing future ahead of you!
You're boys are getting so big...can you believe soon you will be adding one more to the mix?!
And you should not be hard on yourself at all about your scrapbooking. You have some amazing work!
Have a great weekend Kim!
whoa whoa whoa, is Josh sporting a little spikey flip hair do?? Surely he isn't getting big boy haircuts already! He is so so cute. I can NOT wait to find out what #3 is or what he/she looks like!
Oh and the fighting...I hate to tell you, it never ends. Ever. No matter what. Luckily, there are occassionally some moments of truce.
HOW cute is Josh :) LOVE it.
So glad to hear you are feeling a bit better.
Let's plan another chat day. The past couple of weeks have gotten away from me....
that fruit salad looks awesome!!
and good for you on putting together a book....i've been wanting to do that forever!
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