Ali Edwards. She posted a new layout on her blog yesterday with instructions ... and this is my lift (in digi of course).
Today was the first day I've had to scrap in quite some time. I have successfully worked ten shifts this month in Emergency and lived to tell. It's been good. It's been bad. It's even been ugly at work. Good ... in that I am working toward my goal of getting 1000 practice hours so I can keep my RN licence. Good in that I feel I am contributing in a positive way in people's lives - patient's and coworkers. Bad in that I often lose my peace at work ... it's a very very busy place, a very demanding place, a place where there are usually more patients then staff, more work then time, more stress then peace. Hoping I can change that (at least in my heart and emotions). Ugly ... there is some sad stuff that happens in this world and I have been witness to it. Not going to say anymore about that. One more good thing, I came up with one strategy to give me more time and some peace at work ... I take my charting with me into the rooms and chart right there (instead of writing vitals on a piece of paper towel and then rewriting).
I am so thankful that I am able to go to work with peace about Joel and Joshua - knowing they are safe and loved and will have fun with Grandma or Daddy. So glad about that. I can't say it enough!
Some Joel updates:
We've been playing hide and seek lately ... very fun ... (especially because he's still figuring out the rules ... often he tells me where he's going to hide before he goes there!). He said the sweetest thing to me the other day. "Mommy, I'm Bruce! And I'm eating you so that you can't go to work." (Bruce is the shark on the Finding Nemo movie ... he loves to be Bruce - in the bathtub and also just running around in the day.) He's growing ... I'm going to put more clothes away this week ... he's getting taller! He can recognise these letters G, J, K, L, O, Q, and T.
Some Joshua updates:
He can say Mama ... melt my heart! He can sit up from lying down. He is growing ... I've got to get out the 18 month clothes! He is getting much more steady on his feet - not really walking but can hold onto something and stand for a while. He is getting a routine ... naps at 11 and 3 pm.
Peace to you.
I love your LO kim!! So cute :) I liked Ali's too :D
Glad to hear that things are rolling along for you. i can't imagine working in the ER it seems like it would be quite stressfull, and not so Peacefull! Glad that you can take some good away from it all though.
Hope you're having a great day :)
i love your take on that lo!!! its very cute you will have to tell how to do the heart some day !!
Good to get news of your boys and of you, of course - the demands of your job are great, but the Lord can mightily use you there. Your LO is fab. x
I really enjoyed reading your update. It's amazing the way you are "tackling" your word- PEACE.
Go gal, GO mom!
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